
Martha Speaks Season 4 Episode 1 Cora! Cora! Cora! / Cora Encore!


Episode Title:
Cora! Cora! Cora! / Cora Encore!
Episode Description:
Cora! Cora! Cora!:
Helen's family friend Kit Luntayne is upset. She's had to leave her lovable dog, Cora, at home while she travels with her acting troupe. Backstage at the theater, Martha meets Ham Johnson, an actor who admires Kit and wants to impress her. Together they hatch a plan to reunite Kit with her dog. What could possibly go wrong?
Cora Encore!:
Confusion ensues as Martha and Ham cross paths with a troupe of circus dogs who all look exactly like Cora. Can our heroes find the real Cora before she's sent off to perform in the big top? Or before Kit finds out about the mess they've made?

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