Episode Title:
I Ate a Mushroom and Turned Into a Child.
Episode Description:
Halkara accidentally feeds Azusa a magical mushroom, turning Azusa into a child. Azusa is annoyed but Laika and Flatorte are delighted. Azusa summons Beelzebub, who is unable to resist her cuteness but agrees to take her to Pecora who is also smitten with Azusa’s cuteness but directs her to a dungeon within a giant World Tree where an alchemist lives. Azusa expects a dangerous journey but finds the tree has been turned into a 108 floor tourist attraction where the higher they travel, the more money the tickets cost. Navigating the tourist traps takes time and they stay overnight in a hot spring on floor 38, then the next night on floor 84. Reaching floor 108 the alchemist, a young girl, gives her the cure, pills made by Eno...