
Tex Avery Screwball Classics Season 2 Episode 3 Magical Maestro (1952)


Episode Title:
Magical Maestro (1952)
Episode Description:
Attention-craving Mysto the Magician rudely interrupts a world-famous opera singer, the great Poochini (a pun on opera composer Giacomo Puccini), in the midst of his rehearsal to let him perform an opening act at the show that night. Mysto's tricks primarily come from his magic wand, which can summon flowers and rabbits. After Mysto performs a poorly executed dance and asks him if he gets the job, an annoyed and the unimpressed Poochini emphatically says "NO!" as he kicks Mysto out the door into the alley...

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Tex Avery Screwball ClassicsTex Avery Screwball Classics Season 2 Episode 2 The Cuckoo Clock (1950)Tex Avery Screwball Classics Season 2 Episode 4 One Cab's Family (1952)Report broken/missing video

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