
Transformers: Choujin Master Force Episode 42 English Subbed


Episode Title:
A Battle...And Then.
Episode Description:
Continuing from the previous episode, the fused BlackZarak/Devil Z and God Ginrai square off, however BlackZarak reveals he has a power-amplifier awaiting in the Antarctic that will eradicate the human race. Ginrai rips off BlackZarak's cannon and tricked him into hurting himself, but BlackZarak turns it around and buries Ginrai in an avalanche, but Ginrai wasn't down yet: he explodes out of the snow, but BlackZarak unleashes the "Devil Thunder Ring" to strip Ginrai of his humanity, much like with Hydra and Buster, but the timely arrival of Grand, and the autobot-juniors save him and Ginrai again blows BlackZarak's head off, but it still doesn't kill him: instead he morphs into a two-headed snake monster...

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