
X-Men Season 4 Episode 11 - Beyond Good and Evil (Part 4): End and Beginning


Episode Title:
Beyond Good and Evil (Part 4): End and Beginning.
Episode Description:
Cable & the X-Men destroy the Lazarus Chamber. They then use Cable's computer and Cerebro to trace a homing device on the Professor to the control axis where Apocalypse reveals his plan to use the psychics to destroy all time, and recreate a universe, where he will rule unchallenged. Feeling that he was deceived by Apocalypse, Magneto attacks him when Cable arrives and joins the attack. Apocalypse begins draining the psychics which causes time and history to start to disappear. Bishop sees this and releases the psychics. Sinister and the Nasty Boys retreat. The 4 horsemen of Apocalypse are defeated by the heroes. At the end the psychics move Apocalypse to the Astral Plane. Using Cable's time & spaceship, everyone else is returned to present time at the Mansion. Cable travels back to his time.

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